Increase your profits by carrying Liberty Gun Lube products! Our kits, lubricants and cleaners make excellent add-on on items to firearm sales! With so many new shooters and gun owners, our CCK kits allow you to outfit them with just the right components to clean and maintain that new firearm.
If you are ready to start increasing your profit margins, set up a stocking dealer package with us! We will help you get set up with just the right items to accommodate your customer base. WE HAVE TWO TIERS OF DEALER PRICING!
Standard Dealer Pricing is geared towards medium to large Brick & Mortar and Internet based stores. Pricing is by the case and Liberty Lubricants absorbs CC/Debit fees and handling. Best way shipping cost is added to your order after packaging and weighing are complete. We can also ship via your preferred carrier on your account. Minimums are First Order Minimum of $400, Restocking Orders $150.
Micro Dealer Pricing is geared towards small shops that have stock space restrictions. Pricing is by the piece instead of by the case. Prices are slightly higher (approx. 5%) to cover CC/Debit fees and handling & packaging material. If at any point you increase your order to meet Standard Dealer levels, your pricing will automatically be adjusted to the lower price. Best way shipping cost is added to your order after packaging and weighing are complete. We can also ship via your preferred carrier on your account. Minimums are First Order Minimum of $100, Restocking Orders $50.
We list all dealers on our website as well make dealer announcements on our various social media platforms. We can also supply artwork and pictures you may need to promote our products in print or digitally.
Liberty Lubricants can help you tailor packages to fit your retail needs, to best serve your customer base.
Dealer Guidelines (Minimums waived for SHOT Show specials!)
– STANDARD DEALER - First Order Minimum of $400, Restocking Orders $150.
– MICRO DEALER - First Order Minimum of $100, Restocking Orders $50.
– STANDARD DEALER - We can fill split case orders if minimums are made.
– MICRO DEALER – Prices are per individual items. Your pricing will automatically be adjusted to STANDARD DEALER PRICING if minimum order levels are met.
– All Prices are FOB, Emmett, Id. Shipping will be calculated during invoicing. Please supply shipping account number if you prefer to use your own acct. We typically find most "best way" shipping fees work out to be in the 10-12% range of the total order price. This can vary based on method and speed of delivery chosen.
– Must have State Resale / Tax number on file with us, or Business FFL
– Dealer / MSRP is MAPP. (Dealer Prices are what Liberty Lubricants, LLC sells to dealers at)
– Terms are pre-paid via secured e-mail invoice, CC/Debit or PayPal. Credit terms will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and only to established customer companies.
ATTN New Dealer Inquiries - Set up an account on our store, then use then send over and Inquiry(below) to let us know your dealer/username and we will set your permissions to view dealer pricing and specials.
Liberty Standard Dealer Registration
Liberty Micro Dealer Registration